Wednesday, 5 November 2014


The fantastic Eurythmics song ‘Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This’) in 1983 talks about ‘you travel the world and the seven seas’ with everybody looking for something.

The song then says that you meet people some of who want to use you, others abuse you, others wanting to be abused by you or used by you. Although this part of the song is not exactly saying the best about people; we do meet a lot of different kinds of people, motivated in a variety of ways as we journey through life.

The song does not describe the way I prefer to, or have experienced Love. When it comes to discussing what we want and need, of course, everybody is looking for something. Understanding what it is that you need can be the way we can make our dreams a reality.

I often think about what I dreamed about when I was growing up. I also know that in life I have seen and done things that, in my wildest imagination I could not have dreamed were possible.

Maybe I haven’t got a limitless imagination, but whether I do or not, I know that each time I think about and concentrate on a new Bucket List, soon after I find a way to make it happen. Although each list gets modified slightly as reality kicks in and some logistics and practical considerations adjust things a bit, I find that overall the experiences actually turn out even better than I hoped.

In my travels I have met some wonderfully beautiful and extraordinary people who surprise and encourage me. I never cease to be amazed by this. Beyond this, not only am I still standing (in the immortal words of Elton John) but the amazing thing is that, whatever I’ve experienced, this wonderful life I am living still continues to unfold. I really think this is why I believe in miracles, because I now always feel there is something wonderful and unexpected ahead.

I think each of us can keep hope alive in our lives, whatever our circumstances by having a dream, a goal, and some knowledge of what might bring happiness to our lives.

This 'dream' will vary with every single person. It should however be something that you personally want to hope for and work for. It may also be for different things at different times of your life. 

Sometimes you may realize that you want something else more than what you originally thought you wanted. So what. It’s your life you are living and your dream to try and realize.

If you can dream, you can keep hope alive. If you can keep hope alive, you can face your days with optimism and focus and work toward your goal, and ultimately your own happiness.

I don’t think it matters what anyone else wants in this regard or whether you will be thought unrealistic or stupid or that your goal is not something someone else would want. That is irrelevant. What matters is what you, inside your heart, want to work to accomplish and this is what makes for Sweet Dreams. 

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