Thursday, 25 April 2013


What's the matter with Men today? You might as well ask, What's the matter with Women today?, at the same time. Maybe what's wrong with Men is what's wrong with Women and vice versa.

Some Women and Men might be wise to look at themselves the next time they feel angry or disappointed in their partner, because they have played a big part in making the other into what they are today. This is not a compliment.  

I wish that today's Woman could still be considered Man's 'better half', but it appears that many are far too busy thinking of what they want and need themselves.

Meanwhile, the Man, normally someone a Woman would like to be able to look up to, respect and admire, may have become so overwhelmed by the demands made upon him by his family and his work, that he heads for one extreme or the other, totally driven or much too complacent.

I think some Men just figure it's easier and less trying to just give in to the Woman (and give up) because they've bought into the mantra, Happy Wife, Happy Life.

At the other extreme, the ever increasing demands made upon Men may make them into a desperate wannabee Mogul, seeking fame and fortune at any price. It is not a big jump to start to believe that only the unscrupulous and ruthless can succeed. In its extreme form, this is not a Man many Women would want to have in their lives. The female counterpart incidentally, isn't very nice either. 

I wish Men were still Gentlemen first and Men second. I wish they could still recognize a Lady when they saw one and behaved accordingly. I wish Woman could still be Ladies first and Women second.

To be secure as a Woman or a Man, means you understand who you are and are confident enough to not have anything to prove. The Lady and the Gentleman are still out there, but may become an Endangered Species, if we keep on going the way we do now.  

Women desperate to keep a guy interested by raiding sleazy lingerie shops, wouldn't recognize Allure or sexiness if it hit them in the head. All the Botox and other attempts to defy age, won't guarantee you will be loved or even loveable.

Women trying to trade themselves for Money and Status to a 'Trophy hunting' male, should realize that an overinflated sense, of their looks or worth, will not necessarily put them into a permanent relationship. As one well known singer/movie actors wife once said; he left his previous wife for me, now he's done the same to me. It was good while it lasted.  

Meanwhile, anyone who thinks someone became rich by being stupid, may find out that, What's Mine is Mine and What's His (or Hers) is Mine, won't fly.

Then again, I have heard, as recently as this week, of yet another middle aged Man, who still takes his Laundry 'home' to his Mother. Married or not, there has got to be a story here. God's Gift to Women, might still be Mama's little boy, I fear.

The self centered Daddy's Girl is also alive and well. Her sense of entitlement has never been questioned. It might never be, if she finds some fool to play the role of provider and splits at the first sign of trouble. Ransoming the man's access to their children and getting the law to back her up, will ensure that that she will never grow up into an independent, self sufficient Woman.

Of course, we all know that Women today really can Have It All. Provided that they are willing to do what they did before and run a home and go to work and take care of elderly parents (on both sides of the family) and still attend to their needs as a couple and her Husband's need for a Wife.

Having It All sounds good, but there aren't enough hours in the day to be all things to all people. Not so easy, in fact probably impossible, but a lot are trying. Something usually has to give. I think the result is someone not giving much quality time or energy to anything in their lives, because they are spread so thin.

Today's Man and today's Women usually have, I think, pretty much tried to be all things to each other and also fulfil all of their other obligations and committments to everyone else in their lives at the same time. Most seem to be ending up with a lot of debt and both are working longer and harder than ever. I think a lot of them will be worn out before their time. 

I hope somewhere before they burn out, one or both, figure out whether they are really committed to each other. If they are, I hope they decide that they are going to restore some sanity to their lives. If they remember what it was that brought them together, they might also discover, what will keep them together.

Only when they filter out the cacophony of demands that are coming at them, will they have a chance to have some solid support at their side as they make the journey. Otherwise, one or the other will join the ever growing ranks of the ubiquitous Single Parent.

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