Wednesday, 3 April 2013


In Britain there seems to very clear distinctions between the right and the left politically. To those of us on the other side of the pond, it sometimes seems as never the two will meet. I find however, that the political discourse is less
strident than what we get in North America.

Here polarized factions each accuse the other of 'mean spiritedness' and being uncaring about their fellow man. The opposite viewpoint is demonized and stridently vilified. Dozens of pundits and supporters seem ready to shout down opposition, especially during election years.

Meanwhile, since the 1980's, I have personally felt comfortable enough with my convictions to believe that conservative ethical philosophy suits my beliefs and values the best.

I don't think anyone in politics today however, compares with the politicians of the 1980's as well as other periods of the past, when people have come forward and created the great institutions which have led to longer periods of world peace and greater prosperity than during most of recorded history.

Because I believe this, I feel that one of the times when the world was blessed was a time "When Character Was King" in the words of Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, Peggy Noonan. I think that the 1980's for the first time in a generation, a group of people were in power/leadership at the same time and were able to actively work to return freedom to millions of oppressed people.

As far as I'm concerned, Ronald Reagan, in conjunction with Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II, ended the malaise of the Cold War and ushered the world into a new era. By finally calling Communism out and actively working to give it it's final push into the dustbin of history, they performed a great service for mankind. 

Each of them put out a clear message in black and white about right versus wrong and though their detractors urged them to be more cautious and temper what they said in case they caused offense, they spoke clearly about what they saw as wrong.

Since, I am inclined to the right, I am convinced that the left is basically a small determined group who are convinced they are best equipped to design a better world and intend to do this by oligarchical direction telling the rest of us, and each other, what to do and say.

I also believe that they do not trust their fellow man to do the right thing. I am convinced that they believe that no one would ever help anyone else were it not for the government forcing them to do it.

This to me is a cynical view of our fellow man and disregards the many achievements, inventions and selfless contributions and accomplishments that have improved our lives in successive generations.

Consequently, I accept the likelihood that the left and I are unlikely to see things the same way. I am however, I suspect, more inclined to accept their right to voice their opinions, because this after all, is the hard won Freedom that our fathers fought and sacrificed themselves to preserve for us.

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