There is nothing that compares to the loss of your Best Friend. It doesn't matter when it happens, your Heart is broken and you are prostrated with Grief.
Not all of the wailing and screaming, the rending of raiment (tearing your clothes to shreds), gnashing of your teeth or any other way, you try to find solace and relief, can help.
Your only support at that time is within yourself, with people who understand what this person meant to you, and appreciates also what you meant to them.
It hardly matters if it was someone old or young, though the worst loss anyone feels they can experience is losing someone young, particularly your child. Mercifully I have been spared this, although I almost choked trying to console grieving parents of a newborn once and the only time I screamed when when one of my brothers died at 34 in 1994.
Every time it is different. You may be collapsed in a puddle on the floor; spend the night crying your eyes out but writing the most beautiful eulogy you have never imagined you could or must write. Whatever, you do, it must be perfect because it is your LAST CHANCE to tell them what you wanted to say.
Normally, as you go through any regular day, should you happen to see a Funeral Cortege, you might pause for a few seconds and recognize that someone has died. You, most likely, did not know them. A few seconds later, you might even be moderately impatient that you have to wait a few seconds more to cross the road.
All this changes however, when you are in one of the cars. You see people around you on the street. Somehow they are going on with their daily lives. You can't imagine how you ever will again have a normal day for the rest of your life.
Yesterday, you were there when they died, you were at the hospital, perhaps you actually found them or someone called to tell you that someone close to you had died. You may already have been to the Funeral Parlour for a Visitation, a prayer service, or both to a Funeral Parlour and even worse, have also gone up to the cemetery, where you paid them the money they demanded on the spot and arranged for the interment and marker and everything else you want to do to commemorate your beloveds life.
Even when you thought everything was organized ahead of time, there are still things to do, people to call and services of some kind to arrange and attend. Sometimes, 2 or 3 days and then the funeral service, burial and family meal are ahead.
Years ago, I cringed at the difficult emotions and thought the services too much to endure. As I grew older and lost more and more people around me, particularly both of my parents and older relatives, I came to appreciate that mourning a loss is as important as remembering a life.
So, there you are in the cortege, on this occasion for your father's funeral. Other drivers, are weaving in between the procession. You don't expect to ever have a happy day ahead of you.
You look over to the right as you head north to the Cemetery and you see a Cloud, outlined by the Sun. You smile because earlier, while you were in Church, the Sun suddenly came out. Now the Sun, outlining the Cloud, brings you comfort as nothing else can, that the life cycle of this person is complete and they are finally free of the months of agonizing pain and suffering so stoically and bravely endured. He has left the earth and gone where all of us must one day go, when we have completed our lives.
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