Monday, 1 April 2013


Other than sex, there is probably nothing else which arouses so much emotion as the subject of money. Relationships are based on it, effected by it, argued about and often destroyed by it. Hardly anyone is neutral about it.

Whether you find money a useful tool that you earn by working to meet your basic needs; feel admiration, envy or disgust when you hear how much other people have accumulated; use money to make yourself or other people feel better; use it to feel good or do good; experience schadenfreude when someone loses theirs or despair when you have to part with any of your own; it is unlikely that money does not arouse some visceral emotional reaction to you and/or those around you.

Some people, such as the British, consider it uncouth to talk about money. There are other people however, who never stop talking about it. These latter are the people we say know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

As a measure of value, money represents security to some; self worth to others.

Without some money, most people could not obtain even the basic necessities.

Money and power are often very easily associated with each other. Money is given a great deal of power and importance in most of our lives.

Some people seem to have so much money that they can build one or more million dollar rooms in their houses. Some of these people and others seem to behave as though they will never have enough.

The people who have always had money, often learn to keep it for at least a couple of generations. Lottery winners however, usually lose it all again.

Some people give most or all of their money away. Other people would not spend a dime no matter how much money they have. Many other people with some money are fearful that they may lose what they have.
Some people who have money are exploited by those that don't, or are fearful of those who they suspect want more.

Gigolos work for it by exploiting the emotions of vulnerable women. Prostitutes of all sorts sell their bodies to get some for themselves.

Women trade their beauty for it. Men 'buy' women as trophy wives to display their wealth to other men. A display of money helps some people to keep score of their achievements. Perhaps the envy of their peers brings them great joy and satisfaction.

Money is often a great source of conflict in couples, since one is usually a spender and the other usually a saver.

With more money, some of us think we could finally achieve and realize all of our dreams.

Meanwhile, a certain type of women has discovered that children by many men enables them to 'earn' an income from each of the children's fathers by means of court ordered child support until the child/children reach 18 or more years of age. In such cases, calculation and guile, ensure that each individual father is used financially and often, emotionally exploited as well, to provide a guaranteed regular income for the mother. 

There are other ways in which men and women actually decide to 'steal' money from other people. When joking around, some people call these people bankers or politicians.

Some people steal because they are needy. There are also people who steal because they feel someone has too much. I suspect when the disparity between the very rich and the very poor gets to be too large, a degree of despair and hopelessness drives more people to steal from others.

However, I think that some people steal just because they can. Some thieves must feel that they can outsmart and outwit other people. Others may steal because they do not think they will get caught or be punished. It is likely also that some people steal because they find it easier than by working. Ultimately, however, most people who steal probably do it just because they are able somehow justify wanting someone else's money for themselves. 

Whether you earn your own money, inherit it, borrow from others, or steal it; the way you personally perceive and obtain your money is based upon who you are, and what you want in life. Unintentionally and most tellingly, your relationship with money can transparently show yourself and others, who you really are as a person.

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