Sunday, 7 April 2013



When I pass a person who looks hard up and is perhaps panhandling on the street, I sometimes wonder who they are and how they came to be there.

My late husband often said "There but for the grace of God go I". Possibly this is true for any of us. Certainly we would hope and pray not.

In any case, whatever we think is the reason people are living on the street, and however grateful we may be that this is not us; we may still think to give something we can spare to them or someone who offers them help.

If not giving them money or a meal directly, then perhaps a donation to whatever organization we believe responsibly assists them by feeding, clothing or sheltering them. I personally, think that it is the least we can do, even if we otherwise ignore or dismiss them, or are grateful for our own present good fortune, the rest of the time.

I once saw a couple of films about people who's lives are completely changed and who, one on a voluntary basis, is put out on the street as an experiment and another who because of a life altering DUI accident, kills someone and goes into decline because of the guilt. There is probably a story for every one of those people we see, because every life has a story different from anyone else's.

Although most of us were not born with the proverbial silver spoon, we live in a pretty affluent society overall compared to a lot of the world. There is still a  lot that we could lose, perhaps through no fault of our own.

Were we to somehow throw away, or have everything we have now taken away, it would still be a big loss to any of us. We may just secretly wonder, what if that was me on the sidewalk at the corner?

There is a certain amount of concern that many of us carry around, that makes us hope that social services and aid reaches those who really need it. The never ending repertoire of stories about people cheating and exploiting the system, gives me some concern that it is not.

I suppose that cheaters think everybody cheats, because they do it. If we don't personally try and cheat the system ourselves, we are maybe more shocked by hearing of someone who continues year after year to appear to 'get away with it'. Whether we hear about a person like this, or know someone who regularly cheats others, it is disconcerting to us.

Meanwhile, if you feel you can help someone you recognize needs your help, or want to help some organization or service that you believe provides actual help to the needy; there is not much to stop you doing so.

Whether you offer a bit of money, or have the time and ability to directly volunteer to work with those in need, you can contribute something to making our city a better place.

It is possible that you might make a difference to someone, and be the actual timely catalyst and 'hand up' they needed. At least, you will have tried. 

See also: The Blanket Man 2011 and 2013 update(s) 

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