Friday, 29 August 2014


Have you ever met anybody who you think is Perfect? Perfect looks, perfect clothes, a perfect voice, a perfect manner; in short, Perfect. Most of us have, and one thing most of us know for sure is, it isn’t us.

Many years ago I met a very beautiful young Woman. Incidentally, I was about 2 years younger than her. Within a short time we were very good friends. This was so much so that sometimes when we spoke together about something I would not be able to tell you who said what because either of us would have said the same thing. We established a fine and lasting Friendship that endures to this day.

One day several months after I met her however, this very pretty Girl, who had become my dear Friend, sat down on the floor and began crying like her Heart was breaking.

When she could speak, she told me that she was crying because she wasn’t perfect. I was completely surprised because I knew she was serious. I was also amazed because I actually thought she was as close to perfect as I had ever seen anyone be in ‘real life’.

Although, this was a long time ago, I continue to see that beauty and perfection, within my friend as a person, both inside and out.

At the time of the crisis however, after I got over my total surprise at what had upset my friend, I was able to tell her immediately that I had never had her problem; worrying about perfection.

I immediately cited a list of some of the things I saw wrong about myself. In self defence, although, I wouldn't normally point out or draw attention to my weaknesses and flaws, I was actually only expressing my personal list of what most of us feel about ourselves.

It is amazing sometimes to hear another person telling you about what he/she feels is wrong with them. For example, at the simplest level, if their hair is straight, they wish it was curly and vice versa.

With most Women you don’t even need to ask whether they think something is wrong with them. You probably can just skip that step and ask them outright about “what part of your body is a problem for you”? You will probably almost always get a baffling answer. It will confuse you as to how, and possibly also why, they could possibly feel this way. To you this ‘problem area' looks perfectly normal.

Men are not immune, although to us Women, it is a source of amazement, and sometimes amusement, that some pretty messy and obtuse males appear to be oblivious to their own appearance, yet freely criticise that of others, especially Women.

Maybe it’s in the genes, but most Women can spot ‘Mr. Macho’ at 20 paces. This is probably because we can tell he is confident that he would be perfect for any of us. The way he behaves, we are certain that he probably answers the question, “Do you think I’m sexy?” with an unequivocal YES. 

Look at a few couples and you can tell who has confidence or a thick skin. It is amazing to try and figure out how two different species got together when they are physically (at least) so mismatched.

What I’m saying is that next time you see someone you think is Perfect in real life (as opposed to airbrushed cover photos of magazine Models and Movie Stars), consider how perfect you actually are and go and let a bit of your own light show and emanate out into the world. 

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