Thursday, 2 April 2015


I usually speak in sentences. Unfortunately both the world, most types of social media and the Male world in general does not.

Because I worked with Men for most of my working life, I had to learn to organize and edit both my way of speaking and especially my way of writing whenever I wanted/needed to communicate something to a man.

I knew that whatever I had to say, it had better be short, succinct and come to the point.

Likewise I came to understand that, the devil really was in the details. I knew that were I to put too many details into what I had to say, I might as well stop and walk away because I would not get my message across.

MEGO – My Eyes Glaze Over is something most Men experience when listening to the wall of sound coming from a Woman. Usually all they are hearing before descending into MEGO is blah,blah,blah,blah,blah. They wait for the (often) high pitched noise to stop to try to make their escape.

Women’s communication on the other hand probably baffles men. The Woman on the other end of the phone is savouring and appreciating the details. She waits in anticipation. The Man sitting nearby meanwhile is overwhelmed by what he thinks is useless and overly elaborate detail.

Like shopping, most Men are not fans of long conversations. They enjoy hearing what you are asking them to hear, provided you can tell them what it is in a few words. The longer you talk, the less likely you are ever to get what you want.

Although most men are ready, willing and able to help you, with almost anything you need; they need you to tell them what it is. Most however will tune out whenever they sense you don’t know what that is, because they figure that if you did, you would have been able to tell them.

They not only tune out, but the more frustrated you become, the more likely they are to want to tell you to tell them what it is when you have figured it out. Most won’t say this, but this is what they mean.

Meanwhile, you feel upset and frustrated and ignored and use even more words as you get more and more uncomfortable, until one or the other of you, mercifully stops the conversation. When a man gets to the point where he is the one demanding you stop talking, you are on very thin ice at best.

I have learned that organizing my thoughts is mandatory if I want to communicate with a male. I urge you to think about this the next time you try and talk with a man and see him tuning out.

However, when I want to be heard out and elaborate and really look at all aspects of a situation in detail, I would call a Woman every time.

Save talking to men for when you are ready to be concise, direct and able to get to the point sooner rather than later. Oh yes, and also for those times when you actually want to get something done and not just talk at and around the problem.

Otherwise, switch over and talk nonsense and flirt. It really is up to you. My question is, what’s it going to be?

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