Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Today two special people called me, my best friend and another friend who I worked for before 2000. Both of these people have been in my life a long time and I am grateful that I deserve their friendship.

My ecards for New Year’s are wending their way and getting in touch with people I haven’t seen for a while or won’t see today, but the replies have been lovely.

Earlier today I went out to try and do a couple of errands. At this time of year a lot of things seem to be done at the last minute. These two weeks also are peculiar since Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are mid week and most of us are confused about what day of the week it is.

While I was out, I knocked on the window of the dry cleaners my Afghani friends operate. We waved and smiled at each other. To my surprise, the face of the man preparing the sandwich for me at a local café lit up when he saw me. I didn’t know him before now, but I am glad we exchanged a few words and cheered each other up, at the same time.

I am as gregarious (or more so) in person as I am in print, so I tend to have long discussions with cab drivers & often speak with almost anyone I meet.

About 5+ years ago, I created a small project of photographing the regular people in my life that I met as I went through my days during one of the autumn months. Whether it was the Mailman or the Dry Cleaner, the Pharmacist or the Receptionist at the Doctor’s office; the coffee ‘Barista’ or the Superintendent where I live; everyone I saw in my daily life was part of the project.

I wanted to do this because these are the very important people in our lives and yet they are the ones we usually take for granted. They are the ‘unsung heroes’ of our days. They get us where we are going and they serve us as we proceed through our days.

Perhaps the next time you see the ones in your life, you will share a Smile and Thank them for being the glue that keeps us functioning and our lives running smoothly as we proceed through our days. 

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