Tuesday, 19 November 2013


I think that a change or residence presents us with a unique opportunity to put our lives on a diet. Change in our lives, most of us realize, requires that we move from something we have become used to towards something new. 

Generally, once we have consciously decided we are ready to move, we are committed to packing up the old and familiar. In effect, we are actually sorting through the past. 

All too soon we see just how many 'things' we have accumulated. As we begin to empty out all of our storage places, we realize that we have a lot more ‘stuff’ than we ever thought we did.

At some point we cannot help but feel overwhelmed by the job ahead of us. If nothing else, we begin to realize that we have voluntarily made this decision to totally disrupt our lives. What were we thinking?

However, instead of letting ourselves feel 'weighed down' by the amazing quantity of possessions we have accumulated, we might instead see moving out as a way of positively moving on.

Something inexplicable seems to happen to us when we make a major residential move. Somehow, we reach a point where we are between two homes and
we finally become unusually willing and able to dispose of many possessions which we know will no longer fit the next place we are going to. 

The major changes we are in the process of making, present a unique opportunity for us to go one step further and to lighten up our lives in general. In effect, we can make it a good time to put our life on a diet.
The amount we are ready to let go of is probably also a good indicator of how ready we are to move forward. Something to think about. 

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