Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Back in April, I wrote an essay called HOW TO LOOK AT 'HOW TO' BOOKS. At that time, I listed a few, among the thousands of books that are around, which I actually keep in my bookshelves. I also mentioned that my favourite of all time was/is: how to improve your marriage without talking about it.*

This morning, I unearthed another book I plan to read called: The Art of Talking so that people will Listen - Getting Through to Family, Friends & Business Associates**

I just opened it to the Index and saw some interesting subject headings. Regardless of what the book tells me when I read it, I can think of something each of us can do immediately: LOWER YOUR VOICE. If you are a Woman...really lower your voice.

Yes, I know you are not Lauren Bacall, who incidentally went on to have a fabulous Hollywood career after she lowered hers, but I am certain that listening to someone talking on their cell phone in a public place, will show you the merit of doing this.

If the noise pollution around you isn't enough to make you change your own behaviour, become aware of all of the yelling and raised voices on television. 

If you are a Woman, notice how easy it is to seem strident and harpy. With a voice already higher in pitch than that of most men, it does not take much for a Woman's voice to become a screech. Think about how attractive this is...not. 

I have already written earlier this year, about Whining and about the people we all encounter who think the world revolves around them. Either of these groups will not, I suspect, even notice when you have left the room. They are usually still talking about their favourite subject, that source of endless fascination to them, themselves.

There also seem to be a lot of people around who are holding a grudge and/or feeling others have wronged or cheated them. You will usually find them loudly complaining about someone at work, or at home. Almost anything will set them off on a tirade. A harangue or monologue is their habitual method of communication. They amount to a one person complaint service. Many of us suspect they will never be happy.

When a group of these discontented people, meet others of their ilk, you will probably find them protesting about something out on the street. 

I have not even mentioned 'road rage' or another dozen forms of anger and excuses for raised voices. More often than ever, we see evidence of impatience and frustration expressed in heated exchanges. There seems no shortage at all in the ways we, and those around us are finding to express our dismay and disgust and discontent with life.

Even contemplating all that can bother us today and which seems to be bothering those around us, raises my tension level and makes me feel a bit anxious.

I think however, we have at our disposal a way to take a small step to turn our own lives into a calm, quiet place. Join me and do yourself, and everyone else around us a big favour and Lower our Voice. 

* how to improve your marriage without talking about it by Patricia Love, Ed.D. and Steven Stosny, Ph.D. 
**The Art of Talking so that People will Listen - Getting through to family,friends & business associates by Paul W. Swets.



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