Thursday, 21 November 2013


How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World is an interesting new book. In it Jordan Christy states that leaving the next generation a legacy of pole dancers and Hooter's girls does not bode well for the future of Women.

Meanwhile, most Women already know that despite the strides that have been made in opportunities for a variety of careers which other generations would likely not have felt prepared to tackle, something is not right with where we are today as Women.

The working woman of today, may have more disposable income of her own, but however loving her husband, she is still the one working and doing most of the Parenting, and Chauffeuring and Cleaning and Laundry and Homework supervision and Elder Care for both her own parents and her in laws, and much more.

In effect, the only thing she gets all of out of 'having it all' is less respect, consideration and more work piled on in addition to the responsibilities she traditionally would have had as a Wife and Mother.

Meanwhile every form of media from magazines to videos to television tell her she must be 'hot' or she will be replaced by someone who is. The diet she has been on all her life is just the beginning of the physical demands, now it's injecting Botulism to paralyze her face and try to appear forever young, and stay that way. 

We are, in effect, more uncertain of our place in society and without even the confidence that our Mother's had that there was only one Mother in the family and her place was there for life. 

The Respect, Esteem and Deference are gone. What is left? A crucial question and one only you can answer. What it amounts to is reacquainting yourself with that lovely carefree girl who grew into an accomplished and beautiful woman.

Take a step back from the ones trying to pretend they can 'have it all' and meet yourself again. Reflect quietly and thoughtfully about the quality of your life and the goals you have. 

When you are ready, look in the mirror and tell your best friend that you are happy to see her again, that you are proud of how far you have come and that you have given it a lot of thought and you are really happy to see her again after all of this time. It's been so long you thought you might never see her again.

See also: April 2013 FIND YOURSELF AGAIN TODAY (Tempus Fugit - Time Flies by - What are you waiting for?)

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