Friday, 4 October 2013


The other day, I suggested that, in order to break the Coasting/Cruise Control of routine that characterizes most of our lives, we should change some small element of our routine. Today I describe what you might do to turn your dreams into reality.  

I felt that a change, however small, might give us a chance to see that not only could we try something new, but that we could be successful if we did so. 

If you gave it a shot and tried something, you already know that no major disaster befell you, nor did something terrible happen. You simply tried a new thing to break the regularity, and possibly boredom, of the same routine every day. 

Now I would suggest taking this a step further, by doing something you have probably never done before. 

Instead of watching someone else do something that you always thought you would like to do, investigate what would be necessary for you to be able to do it yourself.

For example, something I've always found fascinating, are the Northern Lights. At one time I had read the author Bill Bryson's description of his own trip to see them. Very recently, I had a conversation with someone who had made the trip. Both of these sources, gave me information about what could be done to make this a reality. 

Therefore today when I saw an Air Icelandia advertisement offering the Northern Lights with a direct 5 hour flight to Iceland from Toronto Canada, I was delighted that such a trip might someday be possible for me. 

Meanwhile, if your dream has always been to go on Safari, you might start by letting your 'fingers do the walking' and Google items relating to Safaris. The October 2013 issue of National Geographic Traveller has an article about African Safaris.

A historical summary as well as a look into, Safari's which are available now, lets you explore the requirements physically and monetarily that would be involved. 

Once you have explored the practical aspects of your dream, you likely will have some idea whether it is actually something you might be able to, and/or still want to do.

You might find instead, that looking into the details has confirmed that physically or in other practical terms, an actual Safari is unlikely to suit you. You might find however, that perhaps an Armchair visit 
via DVD is enough for you.

If the Safari however, is your goal, you put the next step into place by planning how physically and financially you can make it possible. A commitment and a plan will bring you many steps closer to making your dream a reality.

Surprisingly, it often takes less effort, fewer resources and less time to investigate and then make a decision about whether this part of your dreams is going to happen in the foreseeable future.

I personally took a big chance the first time I decided to travel abroad (and wrote about it in my essay THE BUCKET LIST - KEEPING HOPE ALIVE).  Because of that first try, I have now, been able to see things I never imagined I would see and do, on three other trips.

In between, the big dreams and plans, I live the same kind of normal life most people do. The bills get worked on, the laundry must get done, meals must be made etc.

I am convinced however, that exploring what it would actually take in terms of time, money and practical considerations, will give you a chance to plan to turn your dreams into reality.  

Meanwhile, each small challenge you give yourself and succeed at, will encourage you and lead, I am convinced, to making your dreams come true.

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