Tuesday, 1 October 2013


It may seem a little harsh to say, 'Run your life or let it run you' but by letting events in your day dictate your actions, this might just be what you are doing.

Earlier I spoke about the dream I believe all of us have hidden somewhere in our hearts or minds. This 'Wish List' which we usually only admit out loud when talking about 'if only I had a million dollars', or 'if I won the lottery', represents the things we might like to have or do. It also, probably represents what we do not yet have or do.

I do not feel upset about the things that I do not yet have or do. Although I think it is important, in fact essential, that we continue to have and actually nurture a dream, I also think the present is a pretty good place to be.

I may not, however, have always appreciated what I had as much as I might have. I try consciously to do that now. I am grateful for so many things. 

That young girl long ago, who promised herself to not let an opportunity go by to say something nice to someone and not regret later not having said it, is also the person who taught herself to learn to enjoy the present.

Enjoying the present has sometimes been a real challenge. Having some health issues many years ago, caused me to understand first hand, how life is never carefree again once you have experienced Cancer. 

One day I sat down and wrote my essay, B.C. - BEFORE CANCER and A.C. - AFTER CANCER. I felt that, instead of just talking about it to people I met, it might possibly help someone somewhere to see that there are many of us out there that are Cancer survivors. I felt that, each of us, in our own way, might possibly be of help to someone else currently experiencing Cancer.

The loss of my beloved husband was another life shaking challenge to live with. Recently I returned to the resting place of his ashes. I have now lived eight years without his strength, guidance and love. Of course, I poignantly felt my present day loss of something precious that had been in my daily life. 

To say, that such memories are bittersweet is of course, an understatement. It is also true. It is however, the past.

At such times, the place in my heart is touched and the feelings I have, flood back. They are my memories, and although good ones, they are part of the past which has contributed to what has made me who I am today. 

Today however, I move ahead. Some days, yes, it's one foot in front of the other to get where I need to go. Other days, are wonderful and I feel the fun of listening and watching young children react and experience the delight of the day they are having.

Living in the present sometimes needs a conscious determination and an example, so well provided by the wild energy and living in the present that children have. 

Once we nudge ourselves, we get back on track and live the wonderful lives we are blessed with. We have grown and learned and become beautiful fulfilled human beings because of our experiences.

We can appreciate the good things that have happened to us in the past, continue to learn by not repeating old mistakes, and head forward in confidence that the rest of our life lies ahead of us.
The rest of our life begins now. We can decide quite a lot about how we want to live it and whether we are going to let our life run us or we make decisions to run our lives.

To be successful, I think we need to move ahead. We can view the past with gratitude and appreciation, but move forward by fully living in the present and moving into the future fully confident that it will be beautiful.

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