Saturday, 7 September 2013


Someone once said, "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission". Possibly true. Possibly also not a one size fits all solution to every whim and idea that appeals to some spontaneous impulse. Sometimes, for example the decisions we make are going to effect other people.

A decision or belief that the world is ending - on the next day somebody out there has decided it will really end this time - does not make your impulse to sell everything you own, build a bomb shelter or bet your life savings on some crazy wish extravagance, a good idea. Possibly, as it has before, the world may not end and you will have bankrupted yourself AND your family and left them to, in the real world, begin again with nothing, when the world has not ended.  

The same impulse, which can be charming and whimsical and spontaneous, might also backfire on throwing the cost of a new car on a roll of the roulette wheel or some other form of gamble. Yes, I know I am speaking of extremes in putting forward such examples.

There are times however, when moving forward and taking a chance is much more likely to lead to great success. For example, a business decision sometimes requires a belief in yourself and a confident leap of faith, so as to move ahead towards greater success. Hard work, serious evaluation a degree of good luck and good timing, and a decision made at the right time, is slightly different than momentary recklessness and acting on a dare or out of bravado.

I enjoy reading about the success of Richard Branson. He has written a few books about his career. I have found them quite interesting. I admire so much his openness to trying new ideas. In fact one of his book titles is: SCREW IT, LET'S DO IT. Catchy title, but also showing that despite misgivings, he has sometimes, perhaps even often said, LET'S DO IT...LET'S TRY IT ANYWAY... despite our misgivings.

I still intend to give a lot of thought to Branson's ideas put out in his more recent book, SCREW BUSINESS AS USUAL in which he talks about giving back to society and the world we live in.

Meanwhile, 'Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained' is a phrase we might use when we recognize that we have let fear hold us back from trying something. Such fear as each of us has about one area of our life or another, may not be shared by other people around us. They may wonder what all the fuss is about because, what is a fear for us is not one they share. Trust me, they too have something they fear, we all do. It might just not be the same fear we have.

Your fear is very REAL TO YOU, therefore I would say, acknowledge it and do not concern yourself that it is not something everyone else shares or understands. However, once you recognize and acknowledge what it is that is holding you back personally, work on taking even small steps to overcome your fear, either by yourself or with someone's help and encouragement.

Hopefully, you and I, will overcome some of the fears that hold us back from realizing our dreams and wishes and that is why sometimes you might even decide that though you have a few misgivings left about what might work or not work if you give the action you fear a try, you might just succeed. I therefore suggest, that sometimes WHEN IN DOUBT - JUST DO IT! You have a good chance of being pleasantly surprised and pleased to have put an obstruction behind you and moved toward a new life.

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