Tuesday, 3 June 2014


I believe that we live many lives as we develop and evolve as people. Some people say they ‘wear many hats’. Most of us can be considered part of a number of groups. On the most basic levels we might say, we are male or female, young or old, children or adults, sisters or brothers, daughters or sons, mothers or fathers etc. Beyond this, some of us identify ourselves by our occupations. In some cases, a job is much more than just a job, it is an identity that defines some people, both professionally and also personally.

I am inclined to think that the way in which we define ourselves, what we identify with and feel connected to provides us with a sense of identity and having a place in society. I also believe that elements of this identity, logically and necessarily change over time.

I feel, we actually ‘live’ many different lives and therefore identify ourselves differently at different periods in the course of our lives. Some of these suit us better than others and we incorporate and assimilate them into our lifelong personal identity. Others we are glad to move away from and put behind us.

For example, few of us remain full time students for our entire lives. While lifelong learning is to be hoped for and literally continues throughout the course of our lives, few of us, continue as full time Students into middle age.

Beyond the general categories we might use to describe our stage in life and our place in society, as individuals we are both similar to those around us and uniquely ourselves. It is in these individual ways, whether through the way we dress, act or express ourselves, that we make our lives truly our own.

If I were to give anyone one piece of advice on how to live a good life it would be to make your life your own. I would tell people I spoke with to be an individual. Enjoy being yourself. I would encourage them to do something every day that you personally like doing.

I would certainly encourage each of us to celebrate with others the things you have in common and the sense you have of belonging to various groups in your life.

I would also suggest however, that we take some time in our lives to celebrate and enjoy the attributes and abilities which differentiate and distinguish us from others. It is these things which let us make a unique contribution to the world around us.

Perhaps we should be less conscious of how we differ from others, and how they differ from us. Perhaps we might instead consciously acknowledge and appreciate, how these differences make our lives and that of those around us, considerably more interesting than they would otherwise be. 

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