Wednesday, 18 June 2014


You deserve a break today and every day. I think you should do everything you can to make sure you get it. No excuses, each and every day.

If you’re already doing it because at some point in your life you realized you needed to, or whether this will be something new, I suggest that each of us consciously make ‘a break today’ into a habit. I even suggest that you start today. If not today, resolve today and start tomorrow.

A few years ago when every Advertising Agency was trying to appeal to the Egos of every person they thought they might make money on, the words ‘you deserve’ were bandied around a lot. They may have had a motive attached to their ‘you deserve’ phraseology, but I agree with them, at least, in thinking that everyone should take a break every day.

My working career involved a lot of missed lunches and my day usually ran from 8:30 until 3:30 without stopping. In those days we literally could say we lived on Caffeine and Nicotine. Since you could Smoke at your desk and every office had Coffee machines, you only left your desk briefly, to go to the Washroom.

Yes, things have changed today. Now you don’t Smoke in the Office and the few people who still smoke, have to leave the building to do so. You also pick up Coffee when you buy it from whoever you like best of coffee selling companies and ‘Baristas’. 

The biggest change however, is the 24 hour Trading cycle. Money trades somewhere 24 hours a day and if you are in Financial Services, you may be working both more hours and more days, sometimes including Sunday.

Considering that Marriages and everything else that normally passes for a life got sacrificed before computers were personally hand held and portable; and that even at that time the hours were so long that you only socialized with coworkers. I can’t imagine it is any better today. It may in fact be worse.

So you’ll go to a Gym. Maybe, but I doubt it. When? Who else do you cut out of your life, after a long day working? Meeting friends for lunch, probably doesn’t happen much among people in these industries either. If it’s lunch and you are in a position to take one, it probably then means with clients and not pals. So you see your friends, when?

Even so many years ago, I always suggested that anyone I knew, did themselves a big favour and took the elevator down to the ground. I suggested, that whatever the weather, I suggested to them that they stuck their face and body outside, for at least a minimum of 5 minutes, at some point in the middle of the day. If nothing else, you got out of forced air heating, recycled numerous times and also gave yourself a chance in winter to see a bit of daylight, at least once a day, for a few minutes.

I felt strongly, that anyone I knew should do it. I also felt that you should do it no matter how urgent (you thought) what you were doing was. I reminded people that frankly, the day you leave the company is the day when you (and they) suddenly see that they can do without you, and you without them.

You may feel you are dedicated, devoted, loyal and trustworthy. You may feel that you are working hard. Better you work, and live, smart instead.

Real life is out there, a Real Person is one who has a Life outside of Work. Some have partners and families, some have careers and still have families. Best of all, some have careers, families and a life.

Time flies, regardless of how you live your Life, people leave us, sometimes because of neglect on our part, sometimes because it is their time. Time, that is the biggest wealth, the time to do things, while you can and you are healthy. Time, while you still possibly have lots of it, to share and enjoy with others you love.

Tempus fugit, Time however, really is relative and when it’s gone it doesn’t allow you to get it back. So take a break today, however modest. You and those you Love in your ‘Real Life’ deserve it. Start today by doing it (or resolve to start tomorrow and do it from then on). Make time count for what’s really important…because in this case, you really do DESERVE A BREAK TODAY.

P.S. McDonald’s was right about the break and now with their excellent coffee, visiting them won’t cost you much in time or money.

Friday, 13 June 2014


The Baby Boom was a 25 year period between 1946 and 1964 during which 75 Million children were born in America. Because of the 25 years time frame, it is obvious that more than one generation exists among the Boomer demographic.

Although many of us felt and sensed some irreconcilable differences in our viewpoints, and those of younger Boomers relating especially to priorities and lifestyles; most of us could not quite define what caused the disconnections between us as older and middle boomers from the younger groups.

It seemed that around us were people younger than us, sometimes only by a few years, such as our siblings, but often also our own or our friends children, who did not seem to belong either among us older Baby Boomers or Generation X.

For example, when Oliver Stone lists what he considers to be the top 10 Boomer films, regardless of the 1967 to 1981 releases, I seriously doubt that several of the movies among them, such as: The Graduate 1967; Easy Rider 1969; Annie Hall 1977; Apocalypse Now 1979; Reds 1981, would appeal to the Younger Boomers.

It is now felt that, younger Boomers, those born between 1954 and 1964, or even 1969, could and should be considered a distinct group. They grew up in a changed society from the one we did and also received a different upbringing from older Boomers. Social historian Jonathon Pontell labeled this group Generation Jones.

Many feel that 20 years of international Boomer leadership, have been now ceded to Generation Jones since 2/3’s of the current Presidents and Prime Ministers of the EU and NATO members countries are now ‘Jonesers’. They cite the following: America’s Obama, the last President of France, Sarkozy, Germany’s Merkel, Australia’s Gillard, New Zealand’s Key and Canada’s Harper, all could be considered members of Generation Jones. Obviously, we can expect changes reflecting this demographics upbringing and personal style.*

The ‘Jones’ group designation also reflects consumerism (keeping up with the Jones), so the title is not totally complimentary. Neither is it mainly technological savvy or the fact that many/most of this grew up in an age of technological transformation, that defines this group. Many of them went from Preppy to Yuppie with M.B.A. degrees, Beemers and a Mortgage. 

Both members of couples are working very hard to support their lifestyle. Their children seem to be enrolled in every extra-curricular activity known to man and all of them have their own technology as soon as it is available.

Many of this group have remarried at least once. Often they have children from both marriages and sometimes the children are several years apart in age, perhaps by half a generation or more. 

To older Boomers, these younger ones weren't interested in social activism or human rights in the same way as Older Boomers were. We couldn’t quite understand this when these things mattered a great deal to us.  

Although we accepted that a number of significant changes had been assimilated, almost seamlessly, into the society around us by the time the younger group were reaching adulthood; we nevertheless felt that those younger than us, inherited considerably more opportunities, beginning with the ability for both sexes to earn a good living.

Older Boomers were proud that they had been responsible for many changes in our society and had made it better. Much of this was because of concessions from earlier generations, including the male dominated (often called chauvinist) elements of society. Many of us felt justifiably proud that because ‘the whole world was watching’, we were being heard.

It wasn’t just Women who were Roaring that “I am Woman, Watch Me Roar; In Numbers Too Big To Ignore”, although ‘Roar’ they did, and with some significant results. **

Better and more universal education was becoming available for more people, including Women.

One of the major changes in the professions, now totally taken for granted, was a large one. It was, perhaps the first time in the history of industrialized society that it was no longer considered a waste of time to educate Women because they would soon marry and leave the work force giving up their jobs to raise their families.

Meanwhile, economically the world had changed and the two income family was not only more easily accepted, but had actually become necessary.

In addition to these improved social services, women with incomes of their own, and changes to the law, all made it easier to divorce and move away from bad marriages. However, the single parent family this created, also  meant a parent who went out to work and the child to daycare and junior kindergarten.

The gigantic first Boomer wave, only a few years before some of the older of this ‘sophomore’ and ‘freshman’ group meant that when the younger group entered the work force, our own group were just coming into their mid careers and had a considerable time till we would leave the work force.

In fact, for the first time in history, both women and men were continuing to work and this added to the scarcity of opportunities for entry into the work force. Like Generation X (Douglas Copeland’s book on his group), some felt all they could hope for were jobs as ‘hamburger flippers’.

If the younger group had a Mantra, it almost seemed to be: no one else is looking out for me therefore, “I’m out for me”.

Meanwhile, on the health front, Aids had appeared as they came of age. This transformed forever, the formerly private discussions (if any at all) about sex.

With life threatening disease as an alternative, the schools took over health/sex education. Suddenly something always considered very ‘private’ was public. A combination of rumours of a horrible plague and possible contagion were crashing against the wall of privacy.

Generations of reserve against almost any discussion of ‘such matters’ with hardly anyone (extending sometimes even to your medical doctor) had to be overcome in order to potentially save their children’s lives. I remember telling my mother that she had to overcome her reticence about discussing sex with the children, or to get one of my brothers to speak with the boys and that it was essential that she do so, whatever her feelings.

Meanwhile, insecurity about having a partner and actually keeping someone interested, began to make businesses like Victoria Secret possible. The first time I heard someone say they were taking lessons in pole dancing, I almost choked.

Children of divorce may perhaps have felt that they must work to somehow find and keep a partner. To do this, they would need to do everything they could to keep the competition at bay.

Fidelity, something our parents both hoped for and expected, seemed and continues to appear to be more elusive than ever. Some women now even feel that it is congenitally impossible for males to be faithful to one woman.

In addition to lingerie as outerwear and in general, ways of dressing previously reserved for prostitutes, society in a few years went from an embarrassed reference to the older woman/younger man relationship in 2007 in the movie Oceans 13, to enjoying and even reveling about this in films such as that of in Under the Tuscan Sky (Diane Lane born 1965), and a hit television series Cougar Town with Courtenay Cox (born 1964).

Mercifully one good outcome which the more open discussion of sexuality which the HIV/Aids epidemic necessitated, has been a great tolerance and also acceptance of other people and their lifestyles. I also think it made us less fearful of those different from ourselves.

Innovations in technology, including the appearance of two of the most famous 'computer geek' pioneers was bringing us the transformation of both the home and the office environments. Most of us initially, however, couldn’t imagine what they would ever need a computer for. For a short time, few but the younger group, who were growing up as the digital age was, were  comfortable with it. The later Boomers however, both grew up ‘digital’ and continue to run their days, and their lives, connected with each other and their ‘devices’.

Some of us are dismayed that even when these younger people are in front of us, often they are still staying in touch with their ‘friends’, ‘circles’, networks and the world via youtube and Facebook and Linkedin.

As technologies became obsolete, younger Boomers and everyone following them began to need to ask what things such as a Typewriter, Phonograph, L.P. record, 45 disc and Black and White Television were. With technology evolving constantly, an antique was sometimes a 3 year old model of some game, phone or device. Think, Gordon Gekko on Wall Street 2, coming out of jail and being given this gigantic and heavy ‘mobile phone’.

We sometimes feel that the younger Boomers/Generation Jonesers got the benefits of the societal changes our group fought for. The injustice we fought and prevailed against, was our legacy. It however, became assimilated and taken for granted as the way life was, since they had never known anything else.

With perhaps a bit of sour grapes in our attitude, slightly older Boomers among us sometimes feel that, this younger Generation Jones group actually isn’t so young anymore either, so quit treating us as ancient. The oldest among them are now 55 years old, and even those born in 1969, the youngest of Generation Jones are 44 years old or older.

Some of us feel also that with the exception of computer literacy and both sexes typing up a storm, even if only with their thumbs, most of the younger Boomers, with the exception of the ‘computer geek’ pioneer group, the rest got the benefits of our efforts at making a better society without any effort or interest of their own in anything other than enjoying life.

Another reason for these ‘sour grapes’ is because we sometimes feel they blame our Cohort/Generation for what they consider their own harder lives.

Where Generation X  feel they were often from divorced families and left on their own, so ‘What’s in it for Me’. We sometimes feel that some of them ‘dropped out’, before they dropped in and saw what life was about for the rest of us.

Younger Boomers can’t understand why Older Boomers think they had it easy, got trips all over the world and ‘everything handed to them’, without having to work for it as older Boomers did. We feel not only did we get their dirty diapers and babysitting, but we get resented for it. We, on the other hand, think that they got everything handed to them on a platter. Most of us could not believe high school siblings on European multi city trips calling home for more cash to be sent to them.

I also think that some of them feel they have missed out on something. Some even say all they feel they got was our ‘hand me downs’.

The implication that some of them seem to believe it is somehow our fault that the world isn’t perfect, rankles a bit. Meanwhile, some seem to think they are worse off than their Gen X or Y younger siblings.

To some extent I understand when my younger siblings say that they think I talk about the past a lot and especially about friends and family members they never knew. We meanwhile, say C’mon, we don’t talk about walking six miles to school (as our own fathers might have) to the skepticism of our group.

I don't think however, that younger Boomers understand what I mean, when I tell them there really was idealistic optimism that change was possible.

Something so easily remembered by us – that there was music in the air wherever we went, seems to be dismissed by them as absurd. They also don’t care for some of my music any more than I do for theirs.

Nevertheless, I doggedly persevere in trying to explain that we were many individuals who nevertheless were united in wanting to change the world for the better. I don't know whether they believe me about this either. 

To them, I think most of the older Boomers, probably seem old and interested/interesting only to our own ‘generation’; not Cohort – Generation.

With the new classification of Generation Jones however, we realize that a logical separation of a group with different ideas, ideals and priorities makes good sense.

A gap chronologically encompassing 25 years, 1946-1964 wasn’t sensible either because two generations+ are involved and many older Boomers could and actually were parents to Younger Boomers.

Once you realize that many older Boomers are parents to Generation Jones younger members, it is easier not to be annoyed or take personally what this group thinks is older Boomer preoccupation with the past. You actually stop thinking they are deliberately insulting you and realize that every generation goes through something like this with later ones.

In fact, I think it is a good idea if we begin to occasionally try and learning something from each other because we both have something to offer each other.

Meanwhile, we should be aware that for some time now, other Generation Gaps are  coming and younger generations have probably already, considered that anyone calling themselves a Boomer (or whatever we eventually will be relabeled as) are something pretty far removed for where they live. All it is actually is that, another generation is coming of age. 

*You might like to look at this link:
**I Am Woman – a song sung by Helen Reddy in 1975 became the anthem of a movement perhaps going back as far as World War I, but significantly effective in society by the gigantic Boomer demographic.

Meanwhile for some fun go to:
Boomers II or Generation Jones
Born: 1955-1965
Coming of Age: 1973-1983
Age in 2004: 39 to 49 2014      45-49 to 59
Current Population: 49 million
This first post-Watergate generation lost much of its trust in government and optimistic views the Boomers I maintained. Economic struggles including the oil embargo of 1979 reinforced a sense of “I’m out for me” and narcissism and a focus on self-help and skepticism over media and institutions is representative of attitudes of this cohort. While Boomers I had Vietnam, Boomers II had AIDS as part of their rites of passage.

The youngest members of the Boomer II generation in fact did not have the benefits of the Boomer I class as many of the best jobs, opportunities, housing etc. were taken by the larger and the earlier group. Both Gen X and Boomer II s suffer from this long shadow cast by Boomers I. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

THE OLDER BOOMER - THE ACTIVIST - 1946 TO 1955 - Revised


Recently I wrote an essay: BOOMER P.J. O'ROURKE (and I) WRITE ABOUT THE BABY BOOMERS

I mentioned that I have loved the work of P.J. O’Rourke for many years now and once had the honour of hearing him speak at a Toronto University. I also said that I was sure that I had read most, if not all of his books and enjoyed his 2014 book: THE BABY BOOM – How It Got That Way And It Wasn’t My Fault And I’ll Never Do It Again, as well.  

We, of the group called The Baby Boom – were born within the 25 year period between 1946 and 1964 – numbered 75 Million in America. P.J. says that each of us are alike, insofar as, each of us is unusual. 

In this new book he went on to designate and differentiate between the different groups roughly by the years they were born. There are four main groups in his book: The Seniors, The Juniors, The Sophomore’s and The Freshman. He goes on to describe those we know who represent these groups.

The Seniors among us were born in the late 1940’s a group which who P.J. says he called ‘somewhat tethered to the previous generation’, but who were also, he feels, on the ‘bow wave’ of the Boomers “I have to be me” Mantra. He says Hillary Clinton and Cheech Martin and P.J. himself, would be considered Seniors. I understood the stradling of two generations because the upbringing this group receive and the way they were taught and disciplined reflected the way it had always been done in the past. However, things were about to radically change, forever. This group, in many ways, will always straddle both generations even though they were the ones who catalyzed most of the changes we all live with today, particularly socially and culturally.

The Juniors were born in the early 50’s, just in time to grow up hearing ‘What’s the matter with Kids today’ as a Mantra. I remember it well. There even was a song with this title in a movie. We saw those slightly older than us doing things differently than before. We also saw our parents making changes to their lives and to ours. By the time John Kennedy was elected, in 1960 we were told a new era had begun. Among other things, because he did not like hats, many people stopped wearing them as well. With new music which we soon made completely our own, changes were definitely in the works. 

P.J. feels that the Juniors are the group that pursued the notions, whims and fancies of the Senior group with greater intensity. Some ended up barefoot with 'flowers in their hair' having gone to San Francisco and some even to Haight-Ashbury. Nevertheless, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were part of this group (both were born in 1955). They never accepted the ties that even the Beatles wore before them.

It has been suggested that older Boomers should also be 're-labelled' to reflect their concern and activism about i.e. Civil rights, the Vietnam War and the struggles for Women's rights.

Personally speaking, and that is the only way Boomers speak, P.J. feels that we were born into a pretty good life. He, as a Senior Boomer talks about many of the good things that post War prosperity brought to it's new generation. 

Generally though, most of us don’t reflect often on how different life was before our group was born. Like most people, we are too busy living our lives to think about the fact that ‘The Times They Were A-Changin’*. There have however, been considerable changes to differentiate us from earlier generations, and they go far beyond hats and ties.

Some of the differences P.J. notices among the generation before and the generations after our own massive cohort, are important ones. 

When P.J. mentions Racial Segregation, although this was not something we thought about as much in Canada, some of us saw it in the United States. Those of us who had been to Detroit were shocked to hear that Rioters had burned down parts of central Detroit in the early 1960’s.

The Vietnam War, to some of us meant, among other things a couple of years where boys/men our age were Drafted into the Military based upon their Birthday. For a year or two those Drafted were chosen by a Lottery of Birthdates.

The Vietnam War, also meant that some guys came to Canada A.W.O.L. from the military or, as what was called ‘Draft Dodgers’. Some of us, knew former Vietnam Veterans and also knew, ‘Draft Dodgers’, who were ‘pardoned’, by a later President.

I remember watching the movie “Across the Universe” which uses Beatles music throughout to illustrate the activist period of the 1960’s. However, even the youngest Beatle is older than the Boomers.

If you were born in 1946, as the oldest Boomers were, you have now reached the age of 68. If you are a Man, you have grey hair and/or may also a grey pony tail, if your hair is still long. You may also now wear a grey beard of varying lengths and design, although very few of you did when you were younger. Given that Men do not throw clothes away often, you may still have the Jeans you wore in the 60’s. You may still wear them too.

If you are a Woman on the other hand, some of us may still have long hair and still wear (or have again begun to wear) loose long skirts and some form of Birkenstock footwear. Your hair may or may not be grey. In fact, you hair may be brown or blonde, but usually not multi coloured. It may also still be similar in style to whatever way you wore it when you were growing up. You may now be a ‘Cougar’ although we only heard of them publicly for the first time in 2007 during Oceans 13, with some apology) and perhaps this is more a younger Boomer (Generation Jones) phenomenon - Diane Lane in Under a Tuscan Sky and Courtney Cox on the television hit series. a few years ago this would not have been admired or appreciated.

We can’t say that there was only a Generation Gap with our Parents. There are actually one or more generation gaps among Boomers. One of the gaps is actually chronological because of the 25 year span from 1946 to 1964 of the Boomers, making many Senior and Junior Boomers, parents of younger Boomers. Not surprisingly, people with that much of an age gap between them would naturally view the world differently. 

The oldest Freshmen, most of whom were born in that late 1950's or early 1960's before 1964 usually, I think, consider the older Boomers really old. To them, I think most of the older Boomers, probably seem old. To some of them we seem to be interested in, and probably are only interesting to, our own ‘generation’. Not cohort; Generation. However, once you realize that many of our fellow older Boomers are, or could be, the Parents, of these youngest Boomers, it becomes easier to not take this personally. 

Because of the vast numbers of the Boomers, recently the group born between 1955 and 1964 (to even perhaps 1969) should be considered separately. To this end, they have been relabelled, Generation Jones. 

It has also been suggested that older Boomers should also be 're-labelled' to reflect their concern and activism about i.e. civil rights, Vietnam War and the struggles for women's rights.

In the same way that perhaps we were sceptical about our father's insistence that they used to walk 5 miles (each way) to get to school each day, Younger Boomers seem as skeptical about the idealistic optimism that change was possible, with which I describe my group. 

I hear some of my younger siblings say they think I talk about the past a lot and especially about friends and family members they never knew.

Something so easily remembered by us – that there was Music in the air wherever we went, seems to be dismissed by them as absurd. Besides, they also don’t care for some of my music any more than I do for theirs.

Nevertheless, I persevere in trying to explain that we were many individuals who nevertheless were united in wanting to change the World for the better. I don't know whether the younger kids believe me about this either. 

To Older Boomers, these younger ones weren't interested in these things but produced innovation in technology and two of the most famous 'computer geek' pioneers. Perhaps as Generation Jones, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates will now be in their group and no longer that of P.J.'s Junior Boomers. 

Many Older Boomers, still sometimes feel that our younger siblings, got the benefits of the societal changes our group demanded and the improved civil and social life we forced to change and gave them as an established way of life. 

Meanwhile, we sometimes feel they blame our Cohort for what they consider harder lives. I also think that some of them feel they missed out on something. That some of them seem to believe it is somehow our fault that the world isn’t perfect, rankles a bit. Still others among them, seem to think that they are worse off than their Gen X or Y younger siblings.

Whether they believe me/us or not, big changes in all of our lives had lasting effects that have been incorporated into our society today.

For example, Women, of my generation, were perhaps, for the first time in history, no longer expected to be stuck/stranded for life to an abusive or uncongenial spouse. Improved social services and a better education enabled us to earn an income of our own and be able financially, to leave a loveless marriage, if necessary.

At the same time, many Women were accepted in the workplace as having ‘a Career’. Many personally expected to want, or need to continue working after Marriage and while raising a Family. This is an ongoing way of life that did not exist even at the time when either the Senior or Junior Boomers were still in School. Though the song I AM WOMAN by Helen Reddy, didn't come out until 1975, Women making changes to how society viewed us, long preceded the song. The words 'Male Chauvinist Pig' entered the lexicon in 1965-1970 but the struggle against it began long before.

Perhaps as a result of both sexes remaining in the work force, increased opportunities for Women were made possible, particularly as economic times worsened. Careers opportunities became available in areas which had previously not been as welcoming to females as they later became, including Finance, Medicine, Engineering, and Law.

Ability became more important than Gender when the demands of the work force became based on results. The Two Income Family became not only desirable, but often a necessity.

Meanwhile, among our Parents generation, we could not help but notice that our long married Parents were coming to accept that their own Children’s or their Friend’s Children were now possibly living together before Marriage or Divorcing. It wasn’t just the times that were a-changin’, but the laws as well.

The Parents, many of whom remain married to this day, remembered the ‘Big Wedding’ and a traditional special gift to give the couple a ‘Good Start’ in life. However, often only a few years later, the couple were Separated or Divorced, sometimes with young Children to take care of alone. Ours was perhaps the first generation to financially as well as, with the enhanced support of social services and even our own families, to be able to leave a very bad marriage.  

As I mentioned yesterday, last year I wrote about the modern couple. I felt dismayed that other than financially, breakups had now become so frequent that the Law today appears to care more about who has a greater ability to pay for support for any Children or minors than anything else, when a marriage is dissolved. The emotional cost to the Man or Woman, or the Children, seems to have become almost incidental as long as the financial split is orderly. 

The consequences and/or long term implications will, I think take a while longer to understand more fully than at this time when only a couple of generations have been able to dissolve their marriages with less strain or stigma than in past generations.

Perhaps complete trust has always been difficult. Today, however, we could say that, it isn’t about not trusting anybody over 30, as it was in the early 60’s. Today perhaps, a relationship might begin only when a great deal of caution and mistrust are overcome rather than having begun with friendly openness and repartee.

Nevertheless, both despite and because of the influence of this large group of (older and younger) Boomers, we live in a different world. 

The reality that more than one generation is actually involved in the Boomer period, explains why various among us may be living very different lives and actually have very different priorities in those lives.

While it is sometimes difficult to reflect on your own time with any degree of impartiality, P.J. O'Rourke makes some cogent observations of his own about the larger changes which have occurred during the time the Boomers have come of age.

There have been fewer dead in the Wars during our time span; however, some horrible wars and genocides have still occurred. 

Encouragingly, people living in Extreme poverty; those living on less than $1.25 a day was 52% of people in the developing world in 1981. By 1990, P.J. says it was 43% and by 2008, the last year of complete data by the World Bank, it was 22%. Although this means 1.29 billion people are still starving and in ragged misery (to quote P.J.) that is still a vast improvement from 1981.

Ideally, I am somehow still idealistic enough that I might like to spend the $50 Billion that Bjorn Lomberg** says could make a big difference to the world and see if it worked. We have enough knowledge of history to realize that ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ and that the 20th century failures left a society with perhaps the greatest losses of life in history. In the course of their experimentation with the perfectibility of mankind, many countries encountered others with conflicting cravings for power and influence over others.*** Perhaps knowing that the State of the World really is improving, may have to suffice to encourage us of the Boomer generation.

The 'whole world' may have been watching. Our parents may have wondered what was the matter with kids today. We now have seen divorces in our own generation that might have not occurred in previous generations, however, bad the marriages. 

Nevertheless, we live, in our own time period and face our own changes and challenges to live with and adapt to. Perhaps it has always been thus throughout history. 

As most of the W.W.II generation passes away and even some of the older Boomers seem fairly old to the rest of us, we can, at the very least say, we raised our voices and made changes happen to the world...and many things in the world have changed, but also improved because we did.

 *Bob Dylan – The Times they are A-Changin’ (1963/1964)
**Bjorn Lomberg – How to Spend $50 Billion to make the World a Better Place
***Robert Conquest – Notes on a Ravaged Century


1946 - Bill Clinton, Cher, Dolly Parton, Donald Trump, George W. Bush and Steven Spielberg.
1947 - Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Letterman, Elton John, Hillary Clinton, O.J. Simpson, Stephen King, Tom Clancy.
1948 - Al Gore, Billy Crystal, Donna Summer.
1949 - Bruce Springsteen, Hank Williams Jr., Meryl Streep, Vera Wang and Wolfgang Puck.
1950 - Fran Lebowitz, Jay Leno, Martin Short, Richard Branson.
1951 - Al Franken, Rush Limbaugh, Sting, Tommy Hilfiger.


Some statistical information about the Baby Boom found at:

Boomers I or The Baby Boomers
Born: 1946-1954
Coming of Age: 1963-1972
Age in 2004: 50-58
Current Population: 33 million
For a long time the Baby Boomers were defined as those born between 1945 and 1964. That would make the generation huge (71 million) and encompass people who were 20 years apart in age. It didn’t compute to have those born in 1964 compared with those born in 1946. Life experiences were completely different. Attitudes, behaviors and society were vastly different. In effect, all the elements that help to define a cohort were violated by the broad span of years originally included in the concept of the Baby Boomers. The first Boomer segment is bounded by the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, the Civil Rights movements and the Vietnam War. Boomers I were in or protested the War. Boomers 2 or the Jones Generation missed the whole thing.

Boomers I had good economic opportunities and were largely optimistic about the potential for America and their own lives, the Vietnam War notwithstanding.

TOP 10 BOOMER MOVIES (according to Oliver Stone)
1. The Graduate 1967
2. Easy Rider 1969
3. A Clockwork Orange 1971
4. Godfather I - 1972 and Godfather II - 1974
5. Jaws 1975
6. All the President's Men 1976
7. Annie Hall 1977
8. Apocalypse Now 1979
9. Kramer v.s. Kramer 1979
10. Reds 1981

These definitely, whatever their year, seem to me to be Older Boomer movies and I imagine that 'Generation Jones' (Younger Boomers) would not relate to most of these either in their content or their 'message'. 

Sunday, 8 June 2014


I have loved the work of P.J. O’Rourke for many years now and once had the honour of hearing him speak at a Toronto University.

I am pretty sure I have read most, if not all of his books, so when I spotted his latest 2014 offering: THE BABY BOOM – How It Got That Way And It Wasn’t My Fault And I’ll Never Do It Again, I knew I was about to have a really good book to read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

We, of the Baby Boom – born within the 25 year period between 1946 and 1964 – numbered 75 Million in America; each of us are alike, according to P.J., insofar as, each of us is unusual. 

He designates and differentiates between the different groups roughly by the years they were born. There are four main groups in his book: The Seniors, The Juniors, The Sophomore’s and The Freshman. He goes on to describe those we know who represent these groups.

The Seniors among us were born in the late 1940’s a group which who P.J. says he considers ‘somewhat tethered to the previous generation’, but who were also, he feels, on the ‘bow wave’ of the Boomers “I have to be me” Mantra. He says Hillary Clinton and Cheech Martin and P.J. himself, would be considered Seniors.

The Juniors were born in the early 50’s, just in time to grow up hearing ‘What’s the matter with Kids today’ as a Mantra. I remember it well. There even was a song with this title in a movie. P.J. feels that the Juniors are the group that pursued the notions, whims and fancies of the Senior group with greater intensity. Some ended up barefoot in Haight-Ashbury. Nevertheless, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were part of this group (both were born in 1955).

The Sophomore’s in the late 1950’s were, among other things, the editors of The Preppy Handbook. Some of them will not like to know that they are considered a ‘Consumerist’ generation.

The Freshman, were born in the early 1960’s. They grew up with all of the Baby Boom accomplishments as components of their daily lives. Some of them don't seem very happy with their legacy, including still being considered Baby Boomers by most people. Jon Stewart, Sarah Palin, Conan O’Brien, Larry the Cable Guy and Barack Obama are all members of the Freshman group.

However, recently those born between 1954 and 1965 are now being called Generation Jones. That means that P.J.'s Sophomore group and the next younger group, his Freshmen are now considered separately from older Boomers. 
Among other things, this 'generation', when grouped together is so large that actually the Boomers span two generations. In fact, the oldest and older Boomers could be, and often are, the parents of the youngest Boomers.More about Generation Jones below.

Personally speaking, and that is the only way Boomers speak, P.J. feels that we were born into a pretty good life. Most of us don’t reflect often on how different life was before our group was born. Like most people, we were too busy living our lives to think about the fact that ‘The Times They Were A-Changin’*.  There have however, been considerable changes to differentiate us from earlier generations.

Some of the differences P.J. notices among the generation before and the generations after our own massive cohort, are important ones. 

When P.J. mentions Racial Segregation, although this was not something we thought about as much in Canada, some of us saw it in the United States. Those of us who had been to Detroit were shocked to hear that Rioters had burned down parts of central Detroit in the early 1960’s.

The Vietnam War, to some of us meant, among other things a couple of years where boys/men our age were Drafted into the Military based upon their Birthday. For a year or two those Drafted were chosen by a Lottery of Birthdates.

The Vietnam War, also meant that some guys came to Canada A.W.O.L. from the military or, as what was called ‘Draft Dodgers’. Some of us, knew former Vietnam Veterans and also knew, ‘Draft Dodgers’, who were ‘pardoned’, by a later President.

I remember watching the movie “Across the Universe” which uses Beatles music throughout to illustrate the activist period of the 1960’s. However, even the youngest Beatle is older than the Boomers.

If you were born in 1946, as the oldest Boomers were, you have now reached the age of 68. If you are a Man, you have grey hair and/or may also a grey pony tail, if your hair is still long. You may also now wear a grey beard of varying lengths and design, although very few of you did when you were younger. Given that Men do not throw clothes away often, you may still have the Jeans you wore in the 60’s. You may still wear them too.

If you are a Woman on the other hand, you may still have long hair and wear loose long skirts and some form of Birkenstock footwear. Your hair may or may not be grey. In fact, you hair may be brown or blonde, but usually not multi coloured. It may also still be similar in style to whatever way you wore it when you were growing up. You may now be a ‘Cougar’ although a few years ago this would not have been admired or appreciated.

We can’t say that there was only a Generation Gap with our Parents. There are actually one or more generation gaps among Boomers. One of the gaps is actually chronological because of the 25 year span from 1946 to 1964 of the Boomers, making many Senior and Junior Boomers, parents of younger Boomers. Not surprisingly, people with that much of an age gap between them would naturally view the world differently. 

Some later Boomers really seem to want to distance or even disown some of us born earlier or in a previous decade. Some of these ‘younger’ Boomers however are no longer very young, having reached the age of 55. 

P.J.'s Sophomore and Freshman groups of younger Baby Boomers are now called Generation Jones by cultural historian Jonathon Pontell. He uses this term to designate the group(s) born mostly in the U.S. and U.K. between 1954-1965. Possibly even those born before 1969 might be included. 

It is felt that neither Baby Boomers for the oldest ones nor Generation X for the younger, quite fit the experiences the Sophomore/Jones had as they were growing up compared to those of the older Baby Boom groups. 

In many ways, some of them resemble Generation X, latchkey kids, one parent families (among the later ones), and different experiences from those of older Boomer.

‘Jones’ group also reflects consumerism (keeping up with the Jones), so the title is not all complimentary and based on technological savvy or birth years alone. Some of  P.J.’s Sophomore’s seem to have gone from Preppy to Yuppie with M.B.A. degrees, Beemers and a Mortgage. Both members of the couple are working very, very hard to support their lifestyle.

Their children seem to be enrolled in every extra-curricular activity known to man and all of them have their own technology as soon as it is available. Many of this group have remarried at least once. Often they have children from both marriages and sometimes the children are several years apart in age.  

The oldest Freshmen, I think, consider the older Boomers really old. To them, 
I think most of the older Boomers, probably seem old and interested in and only interesting to our own ‘generation’. Not cohort; Generation. When you realize that many older Boomers are, or could be, their parents, it becomes easier to not take this personally. 

It has been suggested that older Boomers should also be 're-labelled' to reflect their concern and activism about i.e. civil rights, Vietnam War and the struggles for women's rights.

Younger Boomers seem as skeptical about the idealistic optimism that change was possible, with which I describe my group. 

I hear some of my younger siblings say they think I talk about the past a lot and especially about friends and family members they never knew.  

Something so easily remembered by us – that there was Music in the air wherever we went, seems to be dismissed by them as absurd. Besides, they also don’t care for some of my music any more than I do for theirs.

Nevertheless, I persevere in trying to explain that we were many individuals who nevertheless were united in wanting to change the World for the better. I don't know whether the younger kids believe me about this either. 

To older Boomers, these younger ones weren't interested in these things but produced innovation in technology and two of the most famous 'computer geek' pioneers. We sometimes feel that they got the benefits of the societal changes our group fought for and the injustice we fought and prevailed against, as an established way of life. 

Meanwhile, we sometimes feel they blame our Cohort for what they consider harder lives. I also think that some of them feel they missed out on something. That some of them seem to believe it is somehow our fault that the world isn’t perfect, rankles a bit. Still others among them, seem to think that they are worse off than their Gen X or Y younger siblings.

Whether they believe me/us or not, big changes in all of our lives had lasting effects that have been incorporated into our society today.

For example, Women, of my generation, were perhaps, for the first time in history, no longer expected to be stuck/stranded for life to an abusive or uncongenial spouse. Improved social services and a better education enabled us to earn an income of our own and be able financially, to leave a loveless marriage, if necessary.

At the same time, many Women were accepted in the workplace as having ‘a Career’. Many personally expected to want, or need to continue working after Marriage and while raising a Family. This is an ongoing way of life that did not exist even at the time when either the Senior or Junior Boomers were still in School.

Perhaps as a result of both sexes remaining in the work force, increased opportunities for Women were made possible, particularly as economic times worsened. Careers opportunities became available in areas which had previously not been as welcoming to females as they later became, including Finance, Medicine, Engineering, and Law. Ability became more important than Gender when the demands of the work force became based on results. The Two Income Family became not only desirable, but often a necessity.

We also could not help but notice that our long married Parents were coming to accept that their own Children’s or their Friend’s Children were now possibly living together before Marriage or Divorcing. It wasn’t just the times that were a-changin’, but the laws as well.

The Parents, many of whom remain married to this day, remembered the ‘Big Wedding’ and a traditional special gift to give the couple a ‘Good Start’ in life. However, often only a few years later, the couple were Separated or Divorced, sometimes with young Children to take care of alone.

Last year I wrote about the modern couple. I felt sorry that other than financially, breakups are now so frequent that the Law today cares more about who has a greater ability to pay for support for any Children or minors than anything else, when a marriage is dissolved. The emotional cost to the Man or Woman, or the Children, seems to have become almost incidental as long as the financial split is orderly.

Perhaps complete trust has always been difficult. Today, however, it isn’t about not trusting anybody over 30, as it was in the early 60’s, but rather, starting a relationship with mistrust and a lot of caution, and maybe occasionally deciding to try again to trust someone anyway.

Nevertheless, both despite and because of, this large group of (older and younger) Boomers, we live in a different world. The reality that more than one generation is actually involved in the Boomer period, explains why various among us may be living very different lives and actually have very different priorities in those lives.

While it is sometimes difficult to reflect on your own time with any degree of impartiality, P.J. O'Rourke makes a few cogent observations about the larger changes which have occurred during the time the Boomers have come of age.

There have been fewer dead in the Wars during our time span; however, some horrible wars and genocides have still occurred. 

Encouragingly, people living in Extreme poverty; those living on less than $1.25 a day was 52% of people in the developing world in 1981. By 1990, P.J. says it was 43% and by 2008, the last year of complete data by the World Bank, it was 22%. Although this means 1.29 billion people are still starving and in ragged misery (to quote P.J.) that is still a vast improvement from 1981.

Ideally, I am somehow still idealistic enough that I might like to spend the $50 Billion that Bjorn Lomberg** says could make a big difference to the world and see if it worked. We have enough knowledge of history to realize that ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’ and that the 20th century failures left a society with perhaps the greatest losses of life in history. In the course of their experimentation with the perfectibility of mankind, many countries encountered others with conflicting cravings for power and influence over others.*** Perhaps knowing that the State of the World really is improving, may have to suffice to encourage us of the Boomer generation.

The 'whole world' may have been watching. Our parents may have wondered what was the matter with kids today. We now have seen divorces in our own generation that might have not occurred in previous generations, however, bad the marriages. 

Nevertheless, we live, in our own time period and face our own changes and challenges to live with and adapt to. Perhaps it has always been thus throughout history. 

As most of the W.W.II generation passes away and even some of the older Boomers seem fairly old to the rest of us, we can, at the very least say, we raised our voices and made changes happen to the world...and many things in the world have changed, but also improved because we did.

*Bob Dylan – The Times they are A-Changin’ (1963/1964)
**Bjorn Lomberg – How to Spend $50 Billion to make the World a Better Place
***Robert Conquest – Notes on a Ravaged Century

Some statistical information about the Baby Boom found at:

Boomers I or The Baby Boomers
Born: 1946-1954
Coming of Age: 1963-1972
Age in 2004: 50-58
Current Population: 33 million
For a long time the Baby Boomers were defined as those born between 1945 and 1964. That would make the generation huge (71 million) and encompass people who were 20 years apart in age. It didn’t compute to have those born in 1964 compared with those born in 1946. Life experiences were completely different. Attitudes, behaviors and society were vastly different. In effect, all the elements that help to define a cohort were violated by the broad span of years originally included in the concept of the Baby Boomers. The first Boomer segment is bounded by the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, the Civil Rights movements and the Vietnam War. Boomers I were in or protested the War. Boomers 2 or the Jones Generation missed the whole thing.
Boomers I had good economic opportunities and were largely optimistic about the potential for America and their own lives, the Vietnam War notwithstanding.

Boomers II or Generation Jones
Born: 1955-1965
Coming of Age: 1973-1983
Age in 2004: 39 to 49
Current Population: 49 million
This first post-Watergate generation lost much of its trust in government and optimistic views the Boomers I maintained. Economic struggles including the oil embargo of 1979 reinforced a sense of “I’m out for me” and narcissism and a focus on self-help and skepticism over media and institutions is representative of attitudes of this cohort. While Boomers I had Vietnam, Boomers II had AIDS as part of their rites of passage.
The youngest members of the Boomer II generation in fact did not have the benefits of the Boomer I class as many of the best jobs, opportunities, housing etc. were taken by the larger and earlier group. Both Gen X and Boomer II s suffer from this long shadow cast by Boomers I. 


In May 2013, Richard Branson announced that he intended to give away half of his fortune $2Billion to charity.

I had read a number of his books as well as watched a reality show a few years ago where contestants competed for a job with one of his companies.

More recently, being a Boomer, I was bemused by a title of one of his books, Screw Business as Usual. After the announcement I decided to finally read it.

The concept of Capitalism 90412 comes from the fact that the earth is 90412 miles in circumference and beyond that to the understanding that every single person has the responsibility for taking care of the people and planet that make up our global village.

Beyond this, Branson talks about a group called The Elders. This group with membership such as the late Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan, former Secretary of State George Schultz, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and many others, meets and visits areas where a global initiative might benefit from their experience, expertise and contacts.

The fact that many diseases have been eradicated in our part of the world, does not mean that Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/Aids and many others do not still cause far too many deaths to this day.

The late Audrey Hepburn when speaking for Unicef, stated that far less than $1.00 could inoculate a child against diseases that have long been cured in many other parts of the world. Imagine, less than $1.00 to save a life.

Anyone, who has heard or read anything about or by Richard Branson, knows that he seems open to any or all ideas.

Most of us realize that not every idea is a grand idea. Not every idea will make millions or billions of dollars for its creator or partners. However, an idea, could make a large difference locally to a community.

People acting with Branson as part of Capitalism 24902 or the Elders can, by examining their production process and business operations, potentially make a significant difference to both their businesses and the environment.

However for many of the rest of us, when local initiatives and ideas, for example in communities in Africa, are implemented; they benefit by getting a new Well, Inoculation against Diseases, Sewing Machines for their community or other things they perceive as a need in their area.

There are, I admit, times when most of us probably feel we can’t do much to change what we think are problems in our own lives and/or where we live. However, we all realize by now that, not everyone wakes up with world changing ideas or inventions.

My thinking is that, the best way to get something done, is to Start Somewhere. 

For you and me, it might be something we see we might do locally in our own community. For Capitalism 24902 and The Elders, it may be something in a more distant part of the world.

Regardless of what we ultimately accomplish, we are, however, united as inhabitants of this planet. Perhaps by reminding ourselves of this, we might develop our awareness that, we should be able to change something, however small, for the better. Possibly because of our contribution and efforts, we might join the catalysts for change and be one of those Making A Difference.

A few books I might suggest for those interested in reading further:

Richard Branson – Screw Business as Usual (incredible insights and initiatives being made to address issues in many areas of the world)

Almost any other of Branson’s books such as: Screw It, Let's Do It - and/or - Like a Virgin – Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School

Arnold Kling and Nick Schultz – From Poverty to Prosperity – Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triumph over Scarcity.

Indur M. Goklany - The Improving State of the World – Why We’re Living Longer, Healthier, more Comfortable Lives on a Cleaner Planet

Bjorn Lomberg – How to Spend $50Billion to make the World a Better Place