Tuesday, 31 December 2013


I have come to believe that the biggest thing that holds us back from realizing our hopes and dreams in life is FEAR. We can wish and dream about something forever, but without trying we will never accomplish it.

As President Roosevelt said during World War 2, "The greatest thing we have to fear is fear itself". I think he was right.

Fear keeps us from trying new things. It prevents us from going to new places, daring to do something new or different. Worst of all, it stops us from turning our dreams into reality. 

I think that each of us have a safe or comfort zone in our lives. We feel comfortable within a certain range of activities and ideas. These may feel good to us because they are part of our lives as habits and our daily routine. In fact, such things make our lives easy and simple and let us get a lot done each day.

Trying something new however, can make us feel uncomfortable. Many of us actually ask ourselves some questions that give us an idea of what it is that really worries us about trying something new. 

Some of the things we might ask ourselves are:
What if we try something and don't like it? What if we try something and we are not good at it? What if we fail? What if we fail and someone else sees it? 

Sometimes we are fearful that we might embarrass ourselves. This stops us from trying something we haven't done before or are unsure we might be able to do. 

I think however, that we might turn these questions around and ask ourselves instead: What if we try something and find we like it? What if we try something and find we are good at it, or could become good at it if we practice it? What if we succeed? 

Most embarrassment is self consciousness. When you decide however, to try something, you take a first step toward success at something new. Most of us are a bit awkward when we trying something unfamiliar. Why wouldn't we be? 

Many things we are good at have required passing that first try and moving forward until we master that task and incorporate it as a part of our lives. 

When we think that at one point or other in our lives, everything we did was done for the first time, we might be open to adding new things and being more willing to find some new ideas to add to our lives.

Some of us start small, others jump over obstacles. Each of us has to find a way that works for us. 

Taking that first step gives us a chance to be happier and come closer to turning our dreams into reality. You'll never know until you try. 

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