Monday, 30 December 2013


Like most of you sometime today, before or after midnight, I will make some resolutions for 2014. 

Like almost all of you, I will make some sensible ones; to take better care of my health, eat fewer sweets, be nicer to people around me and things like this. 

It almost goes without saying that, of course, the Diet starts as soon as New Year's Day is over.

Experience however, teaches us that most of us a week from now will look back and see that our good intentions, like so many from previous years, have gone out the window. Therefore, several years ago, I began to keep my resolutions pretty general and very simple. I feel this gives me a 'fighting chance' to succeed.

So what I do now usually is to say a brief prayer asking God for strength and encouragement for the coming year. 

I also resolve in a very general way to improve on the areas in which I am still falling short on and which I am disappointed with in myself.

If I am being especially insightful and wiser than usual, I promise myself to stop giving other people advice and hoping somehow to change them. Instead I hope I will listen more, be kinder to those I meet and a better friend to those I care about.

I look back on other years and am amazed at where I have been and try to imagine what may lay ahead both in realistic terms and in what on my Wish List might just be possible.

Most importantly, I smile at those I meet and those I am with, and wish them well...with all my heart.

Happy New Year - wishing you all good health and happiness in the coming year.  

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