Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Some time ago I wrote an essay called KISS YOUR EX GOODBYE - FRIENDS I THINK NOT.

Just a moment ago I got a reminder of what I believe and why I believe it. In other words, the last culprit, has just called me again. As usual, I spoke to him.

I can say that because I got caught off guard, I didn't know what else to do except be polite and pleasant. I could say that I picked up the phone, because I was expecting a delivery, and because most cell phones don't register the caller's phone number.

The fact that for the hundredth time, when I heard who it was, did not tell him directly, and in unmistakable terms to never call me again, never to 'darken my doorstep' or any other way of saying get out of my life forever, is typical.

There are no circumstances under which I would agree to meet or see him. 
Not in a million years. Not if he was offering to - finally - contribute even five cents, to pay back even one of the services, i.e. the extra cable service cost so he could view his sports shows. 

He could also, as a Birthday gift, give me the difference between the box of chocolates he bought me and the $106 ticket to see his favourite Football Team which he asked for as a Christmas present one year. Of course, no such offer was going to be forthcoming, so I needn't worry. After all, why should he change the habits of a lifetime?

I was polite, but then I usually am. I don't think being angry is much else except a loss of self control (most of the time). 

However, when he said he had a good memory for telephone numbers, but had to look mine up, I managed to assure him not to worry. It's all part of the past now anyway.

I gave him as a send off, the same fake kiss off, that insincere people give others they are parting company with...I wished him well. Goodbye again. I hope this time it is Forever. 

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