Friday, 21 October 2011


The 'isms' at either end of the spectrum, right or left, which so profoundly effected the 20th century, and ravaged it with their need to control the world, have never appealed to me. When introduced to Fascism, Communism and Socialism during my studies at university, I found myself immune to any attempts at indoctrination directed my way.

To this day, Stalin and his ilk, remain oppressors and mass murderers to me. Mao, who strangely continues still to be admired by some, was probably just as bad or worse.

The Communist system, was the reason why none of our family or community was free to ever return to our ancestral homes. The fall of the Berlin Wall was the second D-Day for us. It also signified, the beginning of the end of the godless corruption, which had enslaved, starved to death, and murdered millions of my people, and their fellow sufferers, in my cultural homeland and that of surrounding countries.

Socialism, to me, then and now, is just Communism-lite. After many discussions, I concluded that it's proponents mistrust human nature in general, and specifically their fellow man. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary; they seem to feel that, unless everyone benefits, no one would ever perform a charitable act. The can not conceive that anyone might be selfless towards another person. The idea that someone might do something for someone else, perhaps because it is the right thing to do, is not something they can understand.

Somewhat relentlessly they appear convinced that they know how to improve mankind. If only they could control the wretched excesses and savage brutality of their fellow man, an ideal society might finally be realized. The know they were they able to teach others the way they should live, everyone would be able to live in a better world.

Strangely, they are the only group which is not censured and vilified on the many occasions when they  which publicly espouse annihilation of those who disagree with them. Condemning others as mean spirited or practicing genocide or fascism on the other hand, is a regular occurence and rarely merits even a mild comment from the media.

Generally, whatever, the 'ism', paraphrasing Orwell, some pigs will always be more equal than others. The other great 'ism' of the 20th century, Fascism, very graphically demonstrated what the world can expect if we cede our freedoms to tyrants...whatever, disguise they wear.

Nevertheless, human nature being what it is, on the positive side, where civilized man exists, we are also capable of unexpected acts of generosity, heroism, kindness and selflessness. I believe this might one day save us from destruction.

Along the way, whatever we believe, it encourages us to treat our fellow man with some courtesy, consideration, civility and kindness. Even if we must sometimes agree to disagree, on who knows the best way to make man better.

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