Friday, 21 October 2011


I really enjoy watching little children. They have these beautiful smiles and chortle sometimes when they laugh. Their spontanaiety is delightful and pure and natural, their laughs come from the belly and are whole hearted.

A little later, their curiosity leads them to try to reach out toward anything and everything. It is not long before they come to the realization that they can get across a room much more quickly if they walk across it. To get to what they want even faster, they soon learn, to run quickly toward what they want, before someone stops them.

Well meaning adults, knowing the dangers of even the 'child proofed' house, try to keep an eye on them wherever they are because they must somehow keep this determined, fast moving, rocket-propelled little bundle of energy, and short concentration, from caroming off into danger.

To these little ones the world is a wonderful place, full of things to see and experience. Some of the big people probably seem a bit weird to them when they  speak that funny language adults sometimes use when talking to little children. Other children are good for a laugh with and will become your friends. Family pets, usually let you touch and lie on them.

Life, in short, is a happy place with someone looking after you, and much to see and do.

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