Wednesday, 7 September 2016


The value we place on something depends on how much we want it. The most beautiful thing in the world could be right in front of us for the asking and we would pass it by for something to add to what we already collect.

My late husband collected 78 r.p.m. records. When I first met him I would buy some in album cases for him. I marvelled that I could get several for, what I thought, was a reasonable price. It was not long however, that I learned that in some cases a whole room of 78’s had no value to him, but one record with a crack on the edge could be worth $1000 US because of its rarity. I am sure the desirability of an item is the same whether someone wants matchboxes or stamps or plates or metal boxes.

The late Duchess of Windsor titled her book, ‘The Heart Has Its Reasons’. I think she was right. Although none of us will ever know someone else’s reasons, the decisions they make will be based on what they feel is important to them to meet their needs.

In romance, the ‘blind date’ very often turns out to be a dud, not because there is always something wrong with the person, our well intentioned friends thought to pair us up with. More likely it did not work because we may not feel that mysterious ‘chemistry’ towards that person, or simply because we sense they will not meet our needs at the time.

None of us see what others see either about other people or things. If we give up as ‘matchmakers’ we may just be doing both ourselves and our friends a favour.

Ultimately we do what we feel is right for us at the time. If it doesn’t work out, we can console ourselves that we made the best decision we could at the time, or that we learned something from the experience and won’t make the same mistake next time.

With life, there is always a next time. That is what so great about life. When we are at the right place, at the right time, something pretty magical happens and our whole life changes for the better in the blink of an eye. This is a good reason to approach each day with optimism and good spirits. How else can we be open to the magic the day might have in store for us. 

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