Friday, 24 June 2016


You wake up again in the morning and you realize that another half a year has passed. Every time you do this, you are a bit shocked. It’s not however the first time you’ve noticed that time seems to be flying by. Perhaps that’s what makes it easier to push the thought of time passing away and go on with your day. This is something we all do.

None of us however, especially if we are Women, has not on some occasion or other had a friend or relative, or especially a parent, remind us that we are not getting any younger. The value of pointing this out is perhaps debatable. Nevertheless, they may also be reminding us, and themselves that there are things we want to accomplish before we are finished with this life.

I think this is what the passage of time signifies and why each of us to some extent is effected, or possibly sometimes even ruled by the clock. Even when we don’t think we are, some helpful soul comes up and says ‘chop, chop – 'tempus fugit’ or some variation of the same.

Would I be ‘raining on your parade’ and my own, if I mention that they are right and we know it? I say this because next week another half year has passed and my latest ‘bucket list’ has been on the back burner for far too long.

Time truly feels to us as flying by, passing far too quickly with each passing year. Possibly the person who says ‘there is no time like the present’ to get moving on some project, or plan or dream is the wise one. Maybe they are more aware than most of us are and actually have or may actually accomplish more by being more conscious of this reality.

Meanwhile, instead of continuing to push our hopes and dreams back, we might actually take a moment when next we realize that time is flying by to finally consciously bring something from our ‘wish list’ into our lives.

I fear and suspect that this is probably the only way that we might ever include and bring our dreams and hopes into our actual lives. As people say, ‘time waits for no man’ and it truly does seem to ‘fly’ by otherwise.    

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