Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Most reasonably healthy people do not consider themselves to be contestants for the world record as the ugliest, stupidest, most insecure, most needy or most depressed. Why then do we find so much wrong with us and why do we spend so much time pointing out our imagined weaknesses and shortcomings to others?

I sometimes think that the only person that notices that cold sore we feel is coming up on our lips or that every single thing about us isn’t perfect, is us and our strangely negative perception of ourselves.

It’s not that we lack confidence but that somewhere along the way, we seem to have made a list of either what we might improve or started to evaluate ourselves on some impossible standard of perfection.

Let's face it, using this method, any of us can easily find someone more beautiful, richer, more talented, smarter, more successful etc. etc. etc. Depending on what bothers us personally, the list might get pretty long.

To see ourselves as others see us, there’s something a bit harder to do. Maybe we really should relearn how to count our blessings beginning with thanks for the many people each of us knows who love and care about us.

I think reminding ourselves of this, and all that we do have, instead of waging a daily battle against ourselves about what someone else may have that we don’t, is a good way to stop senselessly sabotaging yourself over and over again.

Few of us will suddenly turn this around and go to the other extreme of becoming flagrant narcissists. I am positive however, that most of us could be a lot happier if we let up on what’s wrong and refocus instead on the many more things that actually are right.

Cut yourself some slack and see how it feels to be happy for a change.

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