Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Time. Certainly not before we are around 30 years old. Till then most of us seem to behave fearlessly and possibly even recklessly. I don't know why but most of us behave as though we are Immortal. In fact, I doubt many of us pause much from the business of living our lives to do anything more than plan where we want to go next during our younger years.

For the child time often seems to pass too slowly, especially when they are told to wait for something. In fact, at first they don’t seem to understand the concept of time very well at all. The beleaguered parent can perhaps explain that some event will take place the next day but sometimes even this does not seem soon enough for the child.

We throw away a lot of time daydreaming when we are young. I always encourage this. I think we need a lot of this if we are to have creative people in the world and also because I believe not everything should be serious. In general, encouraging this is my way of hoping the world will ‘Lighten Up’; if not now, some time in the future.

Eventually however, we assume responsibility for our own actions, usually because we need to earn a living. Most of us also consider someone else’s interests, desires and well being when we form a relationship with each other. Earning a living and having a good relationship both consume a lot of our time, often many days, weeks, months and years.

Inevitably a time comes when we suddenly seem to feel that time is flying. We start reflecting that Tempus Fugit, Time Flies and realize we are almost 9 months into 2015 and 15 years into the new Millennium already. How can that be? Where did the time go? Why does the time seem to have passed so quickly?

Einstein created or discovered the Theory of Relativity. It was brilliant just because it described something that most of us either observed in some form or experienced.

Maybe you are at a place where you still think you have all the time in the world. Perhaps though you are reading this thinking, as I do, that time is flying by.

Like me, you might wish you could somehow slow time down long enough to catch a moment the way we can occasionally catch and look at a Snowflake. It would be so good to study and savour and appreciate each day like that.

Meanwhile, what we can actually do, is pay more attention to each day we are living and consciously take a moment here and there to reflect on its individual and singular uniqueness.

I am proposing that we consciously try and teach ourselves to appreciate what we have, here and now. I say this, because most of us are very aware that we don’t actually have ‘all the time in the world’ but that what we actually do have, is this time now.

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