Wednesday, 22 July 2015


Last year I thought a lot about how UNFINISHED BUSINESS STALKS YOU. I was finding that ‘old baggage’ was still coming back at me. 

It’s almost as though ‘you can run, but you can’t hide’, especially applies to the unresolved issues that each of us has somewhere in our lives.

Like unwanted Junk Mail, that pile of unfinished rubbish, which you hoped was gone from your life forever is back. Inconvenient and unwelcome, it is like the dust you have swept under your carpet and forgot about at some earlier time.
Most of us tend to ignore a lot of things or delay dealing with them until later. Life is a helpful accomplice in that, almost as if by magic, some of this ‘junk’ goes back into the background of our day to day lives and we forget about it. The fact that we still have not dealt with it, perhaps a bit too conveniently, bothers us not at all.

Having said this however, from time to time most of us are eventually forced to notice that some things from the past, reappear in our lives again and again. Things that never seem to be resolved or finished, for some strange reason seem to come forward as problems to disrupt our lives and trouble us at the most inconvenient times. Strangely too, each time they somehow again catch us by surprise.

Why is it that we are going along just fine for quite a while and then, can because of some small thing, feel like we suddenly find ourselves reliving our worst nightmare?

Sometimes I wonder whether we are doomed to repeat our mistakes until we learn from them or whether our lives will not move forward properly if we don’t complete and conclude things from the past before we move on. I can’t help but wonder whether not dealing with and closing off the past almost ensures it will intrude upon our lives again at some future time.

When next this happens to us, you and I might pause for a moment and figure out whether or not, we are ready to deal with them finally and let ourselves move forward at last. Some things that pose problems in our lives simply are not ever going to go away on their own. Our continuing to ignore and/or push away, almost ensures that we will still be dealing with these unresolved past issues long into the future. Whenever you’re ready…

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