Sunday, 20 April 2014


In life, there are many enjoyable activities and things we can do when we make the time. Among the best of these are things in which we have a genuine interest.
Whether it is a long standing interest or something new you have decided to pursue, being genuinely interested increases the possibility that you will have a good time.
It also makes it possible for you to have a good time by yourself or others you meet who are also interested on the subject or event you are attending.
I have to admit that it is not easy to forget the past. However, despite that our experiences are what made us who we are today, there are some memories and experiences from the past which we are best to both forgive and forget. This is especially important if we want to move into the future unencumbered by a lot of baggage, including possibly a bad attitude which we are still carrying about some past event in our lives.
Without letting the past go, you tend to let memories of your (especially bad) experiences, influence how you behave toward new people you meet. It is only, I am convinced, when you teach yourself that, when you meet someone new, not to expect them, in either a good way or a bad way, to be like someone from your past. You must look at each person you meet, as an individual.
I have found that when you meet people in an open and friendly way, you are more likely to see them and what they say and do in a neutral or even positive way. You are relaxed and comfortable and usually ask and answer questions in a way that shows interest and curiosity about them and their ideas and opinions.
For some time after you meet a new person, you have an opportunity to see clearly what type of person you have met. Like yourself, generally they are not usually guarded or tense about talking with you either. Consequently, they tell you a lot about themselves, their likes and dislikes.
It is easy therefore, particularly in a group where you have mutual friends, to know something about what kind of person you have just met. You are able to decide if you actually like this person you have just met.
In fact, you might consider whether they are good friends to the people they are with and consider their friends, as well as, whether they might possibly be the kind of person you would like as a friend as well.
It doesn't hurt of course, if both of you are easy on the eyes of the other, but friendship and genuine interest, lets you figure out whether this person is, on any level the type of person you would want in your life, first as a friend, and even subliminally, as possibly something more in your life.
If the answer is yes, you like this person, what they have told you about themselves, how they treat their ‘friends’ and you would like to see more of them; you have begun to establish a relationship of friendship and possibly more with them.
As you begin to see each other more, together with friends, or alone with them, you will actually eventually know, if you let yourself trust your instincts, whether you could possibly see this person as more than a friend.
The hard part is that stage in between when you realize you have some warm feelings for this person, but don't know whether they are reciprocated. Someone has to speak first and the other respond positively for anything closer to develop between you.
Whether it is you or the other person, whoever put themselves forward is most vulnerable to rejection. Be aware of this.

If it is you, perhaps tell yourself, nothing ventured, nothing gained. However, if the other person suggests a closer relationship, whether you intend to accept the offer of greater closeness or not, be decent about it.

Consider that the other person took a big risk of hurt by declaring themselves before they were certain about how you would reciprocate. Therefore, do not leave them hanging but answer them as soon as you can about whether you are ready to continue the relationship or not.

This is the point I consider during which, a 'leap of faith' must occur, about whether you are willing to trust another person again. I know it is scary. I know your past experience, like near death, is flashing warning signs before your eyes, but sometimes you just have to ignore them, and take a chance on love.

When you are ready however, I believe you will know the answer. Actually, whether you are a Man or a Woman, I doubt anything will prevent you from taking a chance on the happiness that you hope may be possible for you.

Maybe you will have enjoyed the activity you had an interest in, met a new person or not. Perhaps you met a bunch of friends and their friend who was new to you. Maybe not.

In any case, by opening yourself up to meeting new people, you will possibly be doing more than just attending an event you were interested in, you are opening up the possibility of learning something new, meeting someone new and generally opening up your world to a wealth of new possibilities, including a new direction or future for yourself.

I may, of course, be wrong, but then again, I might be right...and stranger things have happened en route to your Destiny.

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