Saturday, 4 May 2013


I saw a lot of the city on Saturday. I may have been mistaken, but, I thought the Full Moon had come and gone. Perhaps not. Maybe it was just too hot outside for the first people I noticed, because they were acting crazy.

The first was on the Subway. I heard some intermittent yelling but it was when one of the new open - front to back - trains came in, that I saw who was making the noise.

Seated by the door about 20 feet from me, was a man slamming his fist repeated against the glass window next to him. Next he decided to yell a few times and have a fistfight with the air in front of him.

At this point I left the train and looked for the transit driver I'd seen walk by 3 or 4 times and told him what I'd seen. He wasn't interested, so I took the next train.

A couple of hours later, further Downtown, another fellow I could see through the Streetcar window was having quite an animated talk with himself.

I missed last weeks well dressed man who entered a Subway Car and said he wasn't going to be violent, BUT, everyone on the car should give him 4 dollars. Someone gave him 5 dollars and he left the car. Where are they coming from? New and exciting stuff these days it seems.

Finally, I went to church for a blessing of food for Sunday's meal. Just before a young girl, got on the bus, just ahead of me. On her head was a wreath/crown/halo, call it what you will, of flowers around her head and a smaller bouquet in her hands.

You may realize by now, I am not very shy, so I asked her if she was going to a Wedding because of the flowers around her head. I was charmed to hear that she was taking a Flower Arranging Course nearby. I told her she had made all of us smile. Sure enough, when she looked around, she saw it was true.

Bless her and bless all those who somehow overcome and endure, and even share something beautiful with us, despite the hardships others are having as they live.

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