Sunday, 31 March 2013


Many years ago a Toronto newspaper published a brief article titled 'Time to Rate your priorities'. This article listed 10 points you could use to evaluate  and reassess what is important in your life. I kept the article and seasonally would pull it out to remind myself to do this. In fact, I often put a copy up in the photocopier room of whatever office I was working in.

It is surprising what you can do when you decide to 'spring clean' your life. Much like trying on the upcoming seasons clothes and cleaning up and storing away those of the previous season, this is housecleaning for your mind.

Decluttering your home is good, decluttering and realigning your priorities is ultimately even better.

The clutter we accumulate in boxes, on counters, tables and around us, is symptomatic of the clutter we have accumulated in our lives. This clutter, distracts us from a lot of other things we might be doing...if only we could 'find' the time. Meanwhile, most of us also carry around a lot of baggage from our past, physically and mentally. This 'unfinished business' can keep us from realizing our goals and dreams.

Just as some of our clothes may no longer fit or have become worn out, our ideas, like our possessions, might no longer be useful or 'fit' our lives as we live now. It seems it is only when we physically move to a new house that we are forced to find a place for our possessions. We are often very surprised to look at an object that we own and suddenly realize that we have not ever used this item. 

Following time wasting old routines automatically and thoughtlessly, can actually make it impossible to do even the smallest thing on our 'bucket list'. Suddenly, by making a change to our routine, there is room for a growing number of things we have always wanted to do. It is amazing how much time you have available for other things when you decide not to follow the same routine you always have.

Just as periodically decluttering your home begins by sorting out things to keep, recycle and throw out; sorting out your priorities, can make it possible for you to do more of what you really want and make your life 'fit' better. The first step is the hardest. It is also the one which takes your forward into the next part of your life.  

Note: See also blog of "Stuff - Possessed by our Possessions? - October 20, 2011.

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